I am soul; I am light; I am love; I am free will; I am fixed design O, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil.
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Spirit of God Descend upon my Heart
Call to Prayer
Bless Adonai is to be blessed.
Bless be Adonai who is to be blessed for ever and ever.
Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted and extolled be the name of the king over the kings of kings, the holy one blessed be He. He is the first and H is last, and other than him there are no gods. Pave the way for the one who rides where there sun sets - his name being Yah - and rejoice before Him. His name is exalted beyond all blessing and praise. Blessed is the one the glory of whose kingdom is renewed forever. May Adonai's name be blessed from now until eternity.
Blessing on Creation
Blessed are You, Adonai our GOD, ruler of the world, who forms light and creates darkness, makes peace creates eveything, illumining the earth and those who dwell there in mercy, in the goodness forever renewing daily the work of creation. How numerous are your works, Adonai! You made all of them in wisdom. The earth was filled with your creatures. The exalted ruler ever since, lauded, glorified and extolled for days immemorial, in your great mercy on us: lord, acting as our strength; rock, acting as our protector; defender, acting as our salvation, protector, acting on our behalf.
Almighty Blessed Great Diviner
The sun's lights' maker and designer
The Good One made his name divine and round his might set lights to shine.
In holiness his hosts ascend exalting GOD, telling without end of the holiness of GOD sublime.
Be blessed, Adonai Our GOD, for the excellent work your hands, and for the glowing lights that you created, they will glorify you. Blessed Be our Rock, our ruler and redeemer, creator of holy beings, your name be praised forever, our ruler, who formed his servants, the servants who all stand high above the world, reverently and with one voice reciting the words of the living GOD, the infinite ruler. They are all beloved; they are all pure; they are all mighty; they all carry out their creator's will with awe and reverence. They all open their mouths with holiness, and purity, with poetry, with poetry and song, and bless, praise, glorify and adore, sanctify and exalt the name of GOD, great mighty and awesome ruler, the Holy One. and from each other they all take the rule of the kingdom of heaven upon themselves, and give permission to each other to sanctify their creator. with calm spirit, with pure speech and with holy melody, they all answer as one.
Holy, holy holy is the lord of hosts.
the whole earth is full of his glory.
the ofanim and the holy creatures rise dramatically toward the sarafim
before them they praise GOD.
the glory of Adonai is blessed from his place.
To be blessed GOD they shall render songs, to the ruler; the living and eternal GOD . they shall sing hymns and proclaim praise for he alone is a worker of wonder, a creator of innovation ,a master of war, a sower of righteousness, a grower of salvation, the creator of healing, awesome in splendor, a lord of wonder, in his goodness forever renewing daily the work of creation. As it is said....to the maker of great lights, whose mercy is everlasting. Shine a new light on Zion, that we aa might soon merit its light.
Blessed are You, Adonai, creator of the universe.
Blessing on Revelation
Yo have loved us most lovingly, Adonai our GOD, cared for us greatly, even exceedingly caring. Our Father ; our ruler for the sake of our ancestors who trusted in You and whom You therefore taught the laws of life, so be gracious to us and teach them to us. Our Father, merciful Father, show us mercy and inspire us to understand and to consider, to listen. learn and teach, to keep and do and perpetuate all teachings of your Torah in love. Enlighten our eyes with your Torah and draw our minds near to You and your commandments and unite our hearts to love and revere your name, that we will never be shamed. Because we have trusted your great and awesome name, GOD, we will rejoice and celebrate with your salvation.
Bring us to peace from the four corners of the earth and lead us upright to our land. It is You who are the GOD who effects salvation. You have chosen us from among all peoples and nations and brought us closer to your great name with truth, to acknowledge You and declare your unity with love. Blessed are You, Adonai, who choses the people of Israel with love.
Thursday, July 27, 2023
SH'MA - Accepting the Yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven - Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Hear O Israel, GOD is our GOD, GOD is One
Blessed is the One the glory of whose kingdom is renowned forever.
I shall love Adonai my GOD with all my mind, all my heart, all my soul, all my body and all my strength.
Keep these words which I command you today in mind. Instruct them to your children about them. Use them when you sit at home and when you walk about. When you lie down and when you stand up. Bind them to your hand and set them between you eyes as a symbol. Write them on your doorposts and on your gates.
Accepting the Yoke of the Commandment - Deuteronomy 11:13-21
If you carefully heed my commandments, the ones I command you today , to love Adonai your GOD and worship him with all your mind and body, then I will grant your land's rain in its season, in the autumn and in the spring. That you may gather your grains, wine and oil. I shall grant grass in your field for cattle, and that you may eat. your fill.
Take care less your mind tempt you to rebel by worshipping other gods and by bowing down to them.
For then the fire and fury of Adonai will turn against you. Adonai will stop the flow of the sky. There will be no rain. The earth will not grant its produce. You will certainly perish from the good land that Adonai gave you.
So put these words of mine in charge of your mind and body, bind them to your hand as a sign and set them between your eyes as a symbol; teach them to your children, using them when sitting at home and when you walk about, when you lie down and when you stand up. write them on the doorposts of your house and your gates - that your days and your children days in the land that Adonai promised to give to your ancestors may be as numerous as the sky overlooks the earth.
The section on Tassels - Numbers 15:37-41
Adonai said to Moses: Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them to make themselves a tassel on the corners of their clothes in every generation, and to put a blue thread on the tassel of each corner. Let it be a tassel for you. When you see it you shall remember all of GOD's commandments and do them and not follow in false worship. This you will remember and do all my commandments, and so be holy before your GOD, who let you out the the land of Egypt to be your GOD. I am adonai, your GOD.
Blessing on Redemption
True and established and accurate and enduring and right and steadfast and beloved and precious and desirable and pleasant and awesome and mighty and correct and accepted and good and beautiful for us are these words for ever and ever? True it is that the everlasting GOD is our ruler; the rock of Jacob is our saving shield. From generation to generation He endures, and is name endures, and his decrees are accurate and his reign and faithfulness endures forever; and his words live and endure, steadfast and desirable, forever and to the ends of time, for our ancestors and for us for us, for our children and for our generations of the progeny of Israel, your servants.
For the first and for the last, these words are good and enduring for ever and ever; truth and faith, a law that will not pass. True that it is you, Adonai our GOD, and our ancestors' ruler; our redeemer; our ancestors redeemer; our creator; our saving rock; our deliverer and our rescuer; Your name is infinite. There is no GOD but you.
You have always been our ancestors help, protecting and saving their children after them in each and every generation. High above the world lies you habitation, and your justice and righteousness reach the ends of the earth. Happy is the one who obeys your commandments, taking your Torah and your words to heart. True it is that You are LORD over your people, and a mighty ruler to battle their battle. True it is that You are the first and You are the last, and other than You we have no other king who redeems and saves.
You redeemed us from Egypt, Adonai our GOD, and You have set us free from the house of Bondage. You killed all their first born and redeemed your first born, and You parted the Red Sea and drowned the insolent and brought the precious across the water, and the water covered up their foes. Not one of them was left. The beloved lauded and praised GOD for this, and the precious offered up hymns, songs and praises, blessings and thanks to You GOD, the living and infinite GOD, high and exalted, great and revered, humbling the proud and raising the humble, freeing the captive and redeeming the meek, helping the poor and answering the people when they cry out to Him for help. All praises to GOD on high, most blessed be He.
Moses and the children of Israel most joyfully answered You in song all of them singing:
Who is like You, adorned in holiness.
Revered in praise, worker of wonders!
At the seashore the redeemed sang a new song to your name. Together they all gave thanks exalting You with these words:
Adonai will reign forever and ever.
Rock of Israel, arise to help Israel, and deliver Judah and Israel as you promised. Our redeemer Lord of Hosts is his name, Israel's holy one. Blessed are You, Adsonai, who redeemed Israel.