If you carefully heed my commandments, the ones I command you today , to love Adonai your GOD and worship him with all your mind and body, then I will grant your land's rain in its season, in the autumn and in the spring. That you may gather your grains, wine and oil. I shall grant grass in your field for cattle, and that you may eat. your fill.
Take care less your mind tempt you to rebel by worshipping other gods and by bowing down to them.
For then the fire and fury of Adonai will turn against you. Adonai will stop the flow of the sky. There will be no rain. The earth will not grant its produce. You will certainly perish from the good land that Adonai gave you.
So put these words of mine in charge of your mind and body, bind them to your hand as a sign and set them between your eyes as a symbol; teach them to your children, using them when sitting at home and when you walk about, when you lie down and when you stand up. write them on the doorposts of your house and your gates - that your days and your children days in the land that Adonai promised to give to your ancestors may be as numerous as the sky overlooks the earth.
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